Thursday, June 2, 2011

My most recent conversation with my friend

This is why I am friends with these people:

Friend: ...EXERMINATE!!!
Me: You will be deleted.
Friend: Not if you are put in the pandorica.
Me: Not if I'm an astronaut.
Me: Not impossible, just extremely unlikely, Mrs. Robinson.
Me: I'm going to need 12 jammy dodgers and a fez.
Friend: Wait 5 minutes!
Me: Oh yeah, and where's my fez?
Friend: The silence took it!...wait...Who?
Me: What about a stetson? I wear a stetson now. Stetsons are cool.
Friend: Not as cool as a bowtie. Bowties are cool.
Me: And what about beards? Beards are cool, but would be cooler if they were on Amy Pond.
Friend: RORY THE ROMAN! Now that's a good title!
Me: Don't worry. I'm the king of ok.
Friend: That's a horrible nickname.
Me: Actually it's rubbish. I'd like you to meet my friends: the nose, the legs, and Mrs. Robinson.
Friend: You know Doctor, you've got that look on your face.
Me: I believe it's you that has the he's hot when he's clever look.
Friend: That's just my face.
Me: Yes, it is.
Friend: Oooh, Doctor. You sonic-ed her.
Me: Come along, Pond.
Friend: Let me guess, it's been a while?
Me: It's all about you.
Friend: Always!
Me: She can always hear me, Doctor. Do you understand me? Always.
Friend: I love your stupid face.
Me: Soon I'll just be a story in your head. I guess we're all just stories in the end, but make it a good one, eh? Cause it was you know. It was the best.
Friend: Oh, go build a cabinet with your screwdriver!
Me: That's rude.
Friend: I'm a doctor of archaeology, I'm allowed to be rude.
Me: You are not a lovely girl like Lucy...diabetic.
Friend: You know how things sound fine in your head...?
Me: Like smoochy smoochy time?
Me: Have you waited for 2000 years??? WHERE'S MY THIEF???
Friend: I think you call
Me: Only when we're alone.
Friend: We are alone.
Me: Then come
Friend: Did you just push my door?!?!?!?!!? You never read the instructions!!!!
Me: Those aren't instructions.
Friend: Do they not INSTRUCT you?
Me: You are not my mother!
Friend: And you are not a 5 year old, but you act like it!
Me: Goodbye?
Me: The orangey girl said that.
Friend: Goodnight, Doctor. I'm headed off to my hammock. The top one!
Me: A bed with a ladder! You can't beat that! No, all I really wanted to say was hello. Hello, Doctor. How very nice to meet you. Goodnight ;). Go to bed, Pond!

(Yes, some are references from Dr. Who Confidential. Also, the hammocks are a reference to a conversation I had with my friend about after they got rid of the bunk beds. My reckoning was that they now sleep in hammocks. On another note, this was our actual conversation over texting. The only editing I did was for spelling purposes :). And yes, I realize they aren't all direct quotes. I also forgot to mention, if you didn't figure it out yet, these are Doctor Who references. *Most of my blog will be. And, sorry, one more note: The "Always!" is a reference to Sarah Jane Adventures. I'm done.)

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